Zaleski State Forest and Lake Hope State Park

Trail Mileage Calculator

This provides a calculator for determining total trail mileage. Clicking the mouse while over a trail segment distance will add that trail length to the distance total.

Notes on the Mileage Calculator.

The topographic maps are on the scale of 330 pixels/mile.

The boundary of the state park/forest is marked by a yellow dotted line. This boundary information is taken from the Zaleski State Forest Brochure put out by the ODNR.

The Zaleski State Forest Brochure has marked on it various waypoints for the Zaleski Backpacking Trail. These have been included on these maps in black. In addition, the Bridle Trails in the southern part of the State Forest have many of the intersections marked. These numbered intersections are included on the maps in red.

Official ODNR websites:

Lake Hope State Park.
Zaleski State Forest.

The topographic maps are adapted from the maps at the Libre Map Project and are licensed under a Creative Commons License.