Columbus Metropolitan Library


Incident Report     Customer Accident  X  Staff Accident    

Date Reported: 5/15/97 Time Reported: 4:10 PM
Nature of Incident: foot injured by outside door facing South
Location: Northside Library
Date Occurred: 5/15/97 Time Occurred: @ 3:40 PM
Person Involved: DR Telephone: - no phone -
Address: xxxxxxx
Details of Incident: (Who, What, When, Where, Why)
DR called @ 4:10 to report that she had attempted to enter the library approx 30 minutes prior — but she injured her foot when opening the door. She said "there is a gap between the bottom of the door & the ground" and her foot went underneath & was cut & she thinks broken possibly. She said she was taken home by a customer who witnessed the incident. She said she was on her way to the hospital for X-rays. She never entered the library to seek help. She said "all she wanted is to have the door fixed." I asked her to come in soon to fill out paperwork.
Person Reporting: Sarah Hackey Same as above:    

[Note: names and personal info abbreviated to protect privacy.]